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Legal notice

The website is edited and published by :

PROMISE PROTEOMICS SARL – Limited Company registered under French Laws, with an issued capital of 30 021.52 euros – registered under number 433 546 504 with the Commerce Registry of Grenoble – EEU VAT # FR 95 524 450 251 – address :  7 parvis Louis Néel, CS20050, MINATEC / BHT, 52A, CS20050, 38000 Grenoble – FRANCE


Director of publication is: Eric ROUGEMOND

Publication manager is: Dorothée LEBERT

Phone: + 33 (0) 4



This website has been designed by Supernova (Grenoble) and developped by Wazimir (Grenoble), France.

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Nature of information delivered

Main goal of this website is to deliver general information about PROMISE PROTEOMICS, its products and services, and to allow the purchase of its products. In such case, you must accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sales of Labelled Antibodies and General Terms and Conditions of Sales of Labelled Proteins that you will have access to before the purchase, and specific conditions applicable, as the case may be.

This website is not aimed at delivering general advices or specific instructions regarding products and services provided by PROMISE PROTEOMICS. None information available on this website shall be considered as a substitute to any specific information delivered by PROMISE ADVANCED PROTEOMICS together with its services or products.


Data privacy policy

Check out our Privacy Policy.


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This website contains 1st degree hyperlinks to other websites, pointing to their homepage. The access to a third-party website via a 1st degree hyperlink posted on PROMISE PROTEOMICS’ website is under each user’s own liability. PROMISE PROTEOMICS shall not be liable for any error or omission on these third parties websites or for any damages resulting therefrom. The existence of 1st degree hyperlinks between PROMISE PROTEOMICS’ website and third parties’ websites is for information purpose only and it does not imply that PROMISE PROTEOMICS has approved their contents in any way. Those hyperlinks are verified and controlled regularly.


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PROMISE PROTEOMICS shall ensure the update and correction of any information contained on its website at any time.  However, PROMISE ADVANCED PROTEOMICS does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any published information. As a consequence, PROMISE ADVANCED PROTEOMICS shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that would result from a visit, access or use of this website or of any information published on it.

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PROMISE PROTEOMICS shall make its best efforts to ensure the availability of its website to users at any time.

However, PROMISE PROTEOMICS may modify or stop access to the web site at any time, notably in order to maintain the website. PROMISE PROTEOMICS shall not be held liable in case of unavailability of its website, for any reason.


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The entire content of the website is intended for the exclusive use of visitors from the French territory. It is consequently governed by French law. Any litigation shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of Grenoble (France)


Photo credits

©Andréa Aubert – ©Denis Morel – ©Pierre Jayet


PROMISE PROTEOMICS – All rights reserved – © 2016.